挑色工具 - ColorPic,可以挑選色盤顏色,也可以擷取螢幕任一點的顏色,最多可以擷取16種顏色,使用的方法很簡單,在軟體上點選一塊空白的小正方形框框,再把滑鼠游標移到要擷取的顏色上方,按下鍵盤的「Ctrl + G」鍵,就可以擷取螢幕的顏色,以此類推,方便好用!(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Iconico, Inc.
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:ColorPic Portable
Ever tried using a color picker on a high resolution monitor? It's impossible. That's why this color picker has a magnifier attached. Grab palettes of up to 16 colors at once and use four advanced color mixers to select a spectrum of possibilities.
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