Tux Paint(企鵝小畫家)- 開放原碼的兒童專用免費繪圖軟體,是一個專為三歲以上的兒童設計的繪圖用的自由軟體。他有簡單、容易使用的介面,有趣的音效,及鼓勵並帶領兒童使用這個軟體的卡通造型的吉祥物。他提供一張空白的圖紙和許多的繪圖工具,可以幫助您的小孩啟發創造力。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/tux-paint.html
官方網站:New Breed Software
關鍵字:tuxpaint,tux paint portable,TuxPaintPortable
Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6 in the US, key stages 1 & 2 in the UK). It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program.