檔案複製搬移增強外掛 - KillCopy,性能比TeraCopy優越,雖然裝在視覺系的Vista上面有點「妨礙觀瞻」,不過整體來講,速度快、可調參數多、可更換面板、有中文語系、支援Unicode,這些優點可以凌駕一切!(阿榮)(圖 1 2)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/killcopy.html
關鍵字:kill copy
Program for copy files by network. Can also copy files on local drives - sometimes it can speed up copy of large files by 2-3 times. User-frendly skin based interface. Build-in explorer shell make is very simple in use. You can download any files and directories by pressing right button and choosing KillCopy to.. to change target directory. KillCopy can shutdown system after copy completes, can play sound and ask user to open target directory. KillCopy can copy files to some targets simultaniously. Also you can start KillCopy from command line.