真正的「綠色」軟體 - LocalCooling,這個軟體執行之後會常駐在後台調整電腦的吃電以進行電源使用的優化。有個小視窗告訴你救了多少棵數、省了多少電力。在設定的地方有基本的電源管理選項:關閉監視器、降低硬碟轉速、自動關機時間,可檢視電腦硬體的預估消耗瓦數。(alvine 推薦)(下載)
官方網站:Local Cooling
Download the 100% Free LocalCooling Application and it automatically optimizes your PC's power consumption by using a more effective power save mode. You will be able to see your savings in real-time translated to more environmental terms such as how many trees and gallons of oil you have saved.
Local Cooling will:
* Cut your energy bills.
* Reduce the amount of Greenhouse Gas CO2 emissions as a result of your reduced PC power consumption.
* Give you full control over your power mode settings.
* Improve your overall computing experience and efficiency.
* Show you in detail how much you have saved since installing the software.
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