免費主機檢查軟體 - Check Host,可以定時檢查伺服器是否存活,一旦發現當機(Ping不到),就可以自動發信通知你指定的信箱,或者,只於軟體中顯示錯誤訊息,最主要的特色是 - 還可以檢測指定的TCP或UDP埠號之服務能否建立連線。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/check-host.html
系統需求:Windows(.NET Framework 2.0)
With the program Check Host you can easily monitor a server or the services of a server. Therefore define which host or ip address should be monitored. Additionally you can choose the check method: either with a ping or by establishing a socket connection (optionally TCP or UDP) on any port.
- Monitoring servers or services.
- Ping or socket connection (TCP/UDP) as method possible.
- Many notification options (desktop, e-mail, program start).
- Integrated help system.
- Automatic program updates.
- Multilingual (at the moment English and German).
- Intuitive program interface.
- Free e-mail support in case of problems or questions.
- All updates for free.