
IObit Unlocker 1.3 免安裝中文版 - 刪除無法刪除的檔案 支援Windows 11

IObit Unlocker
IObit Unlocker
刪除被Windows鎖住的檔案 - IObit Unlocker,有些檔案或資料夾要刪除或移動的時候,會因為被檔案總管或者其他程式鎖定而動彈不得,這時就可以用此工具將檔案或資料夾解鎖,安裝之後只要右鍵按要解鎖的檔案就會看到右鍵選單有「IObit Unlocker」選項,可以選取它來執行解鎖動作,繼UnlockerLockHunter之後又多了一種選擇。(阿榮

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/iobit-unlocker.html

關鍵字:IObitUnlockerPortable, IObit Unlocker Portable

IObit Unlocker Portable is a light-weighted yet powerful tool designed to fix the "Cannot Delete" or "Access Denied" problems. It can "Forced" terminate all related processes that prevent you from deleting or accessing files / folders that you need to. It also provides several useful options to make your work easier, like "Unlock & Delete", "Unlock & Rename", "Unlock & Move", and "Unlock & Copy". You wouldn't be annoyed any more by messages like "Cannot delete file: Access is denied", "The file is in use by another program or user", or "There has been a sharing violation"!