中文可攜式日記本 - Efficient Diary,你用紙本還是雲端服務寫日記?私密日記最重要的就是怕人偷看!而這個軟體可以設定開啟密碼、預設對日記資料加密,符合你對於隱私的要求;再者,仿Word的文章編輯工具讓人用起來也很順手,可以複製貼上圖文網頁、插入圖片,付費版可以插入附件、超連結;中文關鍵字的搜尋更是精準、方便!儲存於USB就變成了個人的行動可攜數位日記本。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/efficient-diary.html
官方網站:Efficient Software
關鍵字:efficientdiary, EfficientDiaryPortableFree, efficientdiaryportablefree, EfficientDiaryPortablePro, Efficient Diary Pro, efficientdiaryportablepro
Efficient Diary Portable is an elegant, easy-to-use and powerful electronic diary software program.
With its unique and powerful flash full-text search technique, you can simply enter a word in the diary to quickly find the corresponding entries! The product has a strong edit function similar to that of Microsoft Word. You can insert various items such as tables, pictures, emotions, URLs or even attachments. You can set the background color, background picture of each diary entry separately so your diary can be rich and colorful.