
Default Programs Editor 2.7.2676 免安裝版 - Windows檔案關聯設定工具

Default Programs Editor
Default Programs Editor
Windows專用檔案關聯設定輔助軟體 - Default Programs Editor,Windows 7以上不是可以從控制台設定檔案關聯嗎?沒錯!但卻難用又有問題(如:無法成功將JAR檔案關聯設定回以預設的JRE開啟),這個程式可以用來取代「控制台→預設程式」的功能,具有快速搜尋副檔名、對程式路徑下參數...等特殊功能。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Default Programs Editor
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7(32及64位元)
關鍵字:DPE, DefaultProgramsEditor

Default Programs Editor makes it easy to fix file association settings in Windows, including context menu items, icons, and descriptions. Also: autoplay settings and default programs settings ...all without fiddling around in the registry.

[設定Windows 7點兩下自動開啟JAR檔]

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