用滑鼠滾輪搭配Windows鍵瞬間控制音量 - 3RVX,模仿Mac OS X的音量顯示介面,支援面板更換、自訂快速鍵,利用滑鼠滾輪搭配鍵盤Windows鍵就可以快速將音量調大、調小、靜音,音量調整的同時,仿Mac的漂亮圖示也會即時最上層顯示。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/3rvx.html
官方網站:Matthew Malensek
系統需求:Windows、.NET Framework 3.5
3RVX began as a project to emulate the volume display in Mac OS X, but has evolved to support even more features over the years. Here's a few things it can do:
- Flexible skins with alpha-transparent pngs
- Volume control hotkeys that can map your keyboard's media buttons
- Display the volume level in the system tray
- Notify you when drives are ejected