使用快速鍵關閉螢幕的軟體 - BlackTop,開啟後無須任何設定,只要按下鍵盤「Ctrl+Alt+B」快速鍵就可以關閉螢幕(其實是將螢幕全部變為黑色),當你移動滑鼠或按鍵盤任意鍵時,螢幕就會恢復原狀,有些筆記型電腦已內建關閉螢幕的功能鍵。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/blacktop.html
官方網站:SD Software
You don’t have to wait for your monitor to turn itself off. With a quick keystroke, BlackTop will put your monitor(s) to power save mode for you. This is especially handy when you know you’re stepping away from your computer for an extended period of time. To turn off the monitor: Ctrl+Alt+B