個人行事曆管理軟體 - Efficcess (EfficientPIM),免安裝版可以解壓縮於USB隨身碟使用,具有離線版的行事曆、聯絡人、事件、任務、日記、備忘錄等功能,還內建密碼管理工具,除了可以儲存各式密碼,還可以儲存軟體註冊碼,可以設定軟體開啟密碼以保護個人隱私。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/efficcess.html
官方網站:Efficient Software
關鍵字:efficcessportablefree, efficcessportablepro, efficcessproportable, efficcessfreeportable
Efficcess is a full-featured and cross-platform personal information manager that can help you manage your life. With Efficcess you can keep track of contacts, appointments, tasks, to-do lists, and much more. The software also gives you space for keeping notes, diaries, and even passwords. In order to be successful you need to be organized and efficient. With Efficcess all of the things you need to manage are located in one, easy-to-use interface.
[2015.08.28] 軟體從EfficientPIM改名為Efficcess,並推出手機版免費程式。