內建編碼程式的影片播放軟體 - Light Alloy(輕合金播放器,簡稱:LA),媲美韓系熱門播放器「PotPlayer」及「KMPlayer」,支援大多數的影音格式及非中文檔名(Unicode)播放,內建硬體解碼功能(DxVA),支援影片畫面擷取、字幕、快速鍵(左右鍵快速前進及倒轉、上下鍵調整音量),能夠在播放時間軸上設定標籤,支援藍光、DVD光碟播放。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Light Alloy
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
關鍵字:LightAlloyPortable, LightAlloy, la
Light Alloy - is a compact multimedia player. It supports all popular multimedia formats. It is very easy in use but at the same time has lots of configuration settings. Player is optimized for quick launch and minimum load of the system resources. It has fast video rewind, loads subtitles, can be minimized to tray and controlled with a remote control (WinLIRC), adjusts the brightness/contrast/saturation of the image, makes screenshots, supports multimedia keyboards, allows you to make a bookmark in the list/set labels on timeline, lets you select audio tracks and subtitles in multilingual films, has full support for DVD.
[2015.10.03] 感謝「Hakking」提供香港正體中文語系作品,以及「DirectX End-User Runtimes June 2010」提醒。
※Light Alloy使用作業系統原生的VMR7 WL、VMR9 WL和EVR呈像器,可能出現「嵌入式字幕」移位。Light Alloy盛載4個對應原生的DirectX 9呈像器:VMR7 RL、VMR9 RL、EVR CA(電腦用)和EVR Sync(電視用)。Vista起的系統須安裝「DirectX End-User Runtimes June 2010」以啟用DirectX 9呈像器。「DirectX End-User Runtimes June 2010」的官方下載網頁: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109 。
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