
FTP Rush 3.5.8 免安裝版 - 免費的FTP/FXP/SFTP/TFTP用戶端軟體

FTP Rush
FTP Rush
免費的FTP/FXP/SFTP/TFTP用戶端軟體 - FTP Rush,支援站台對站台對傳(FXP)、多分頁介面、檔案拖放功能、FTP指令碼,內建同步功能、支援HTTP Proxy及Socks 4&5、使用者端快速SFV檢查、支援Unicode/UTF8字元格式、UPnP Port-mapping、Mode Z壓縮...等功能。(阿榮

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/ftp-rush.html

官方網站:Wing FTP Software

FTP Rush is the most powerful and free FTP/FXP/SFTP/TFTP client sofware for Windows. It is designed to fit any transfer need, it allows you to quickly upload or download files in all directions: from FTP Server to local, local to FTP Server or FTP Server to FTP Server. The client supports secure transfer including SSH and TFTP and it is really easy-to-use, Also FTP Rush takes into account all peculiarities of internet file transfer and management by presenting a great choice of features, creating comfortable working experience.