電腦處理程序監控軟體 - ProcessActivityView,可以顯示選取的處理程序所存取的檔案或資料夾,顯示下列訊息:檔案被處理程序開啟或關閉的次數、讀取及寫入的呼叫次數、讀取及寫入的位元組、因開啟檔案而被呼叫的DLL檔...等等。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/processactivityview.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
ProcessActivityView creates a summary of all files and folders that the selected process tries to access. For each file that the process access, the following information is displayed: Number of times that the file was opened and closed, number of read/write calls, total number of read/write bytes, the dll that made the last open-file call, and more...