免費固態硬碟檢測軟體 - SSD Life Free,能夠偵測所有SSD硬碟規格,支援S.M.A.R.T.屬性,可以取得的硬碟資訊包含:廠牌、型號、容量、已工作時數、啟動次數、預估剩餘壽命...等實用訊息。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/ssd-life.html
官方網站:BinarySense Inc.
關鍵字:SSDLife, ssd life free, ssdlife free, ssd life pro, ssd life professional
SSDlife is a program for monitoring the health condition of SSD drives. Drives are monitored automatically in the background mode according to the specified schedule. The program shows notifications about any changes in the health of SSD drives. It shows all available information about them, including S.M.A.R.T. attributes. It can estimate the lifetime of drives and publish reports online. Practically all modern SSD drives are supported.