鍵盤輸出及對應修改軟體 - SharpKeys,我們都知道每個鍵盤都對應一個字或功能(例如:按A就輸入A),但其實你可以透過登錄檔來修改鍵盤的對應設定,例如:讓按A變成輸入B、按某個鍵開啟計算機或我的電腦...等等,也可以指定讓某些按鍵完全失去作用(設定為Turn Key Off),設定完畢記得寫入登錄檔(Write to Registry)並重新開機才會生效。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/sharpkeys.html
系統需求:Windows(.NET Framework 4.0)
關鍵字:sharp keys, sharp key
SharpKeys is a utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key. Included in the application is a list of common keyboard keys and a Type Key feature to automatically recognize most keyboard keys.