讀取硬碟S.M.A.R.T資訊 - DiskSmartView,支援IDE、SATA介面的硬碟,S.M.A.R.T是Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology的縮寫,也就是硬碟自我監測、分析、報告技術,所以可以用來得知硬碟的健康狀態,此軟體可以讀取的訊息包括:硬碟型號、韌體、序號、磁柱、開機時數、內部溫度、磁碟錯誤率...等訊息。(阿榮)
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DiskSmartView is a small utility that retrieves the S.M.A.R.T information (S.M.A.R.T = Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) from IDE/SATA disks. This information includes the disk model/firmware/serial number, cylinders/heads, power-on hours (POH), internal temperature, disk errors rate, and more. You can use the S.M.A.R.T information retrieved by DiskSmartView to find out whether there is any significant problem in your disk drive.