偵測內部網路電腦的連線及斷線時間 - NetworkConnectLog,它會不斷掃描同網段的電腦或設備(IP從1-255),運用的是ARP及Netbios通訊協定,偵測他們的連線或斷線時間,同時把IP位址、電腦名稱、工作群組、MAC位址、網路卡廠牌等資訊記錄下來,也可以將這些記錄匯出為檔案(TXT、CSV、HTML、XML)。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/networkconnectlog.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
NetworkConnectLog is a simple utility that repeatedly scans your local area network (Using ARP and Netbios protocols) and add a new log line every time that a new computer or device connects to your network, and when a computer or device disconnects from your network. After the connect/disconnect log lines are accumulated, you can easily export the log lines to comma-delimited/tab-delimited/html/xml file.