偵測中央處理器是否支援虛擬化技術 - CPU-V,在安裝VirtualBox或是BlueStacks這類的安卓模擬器時,有些電腦會遇到硬體虛擬化功能未開啟的錯誤訊息,而此軟體可以事先偵測你的CPU是否支援虛擬化技術(VT-x)、BIOS是否已啟用虛擬化技術,同時,還可以偵測CPU為32或64位元、安裝的作業系統為32或64位元。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/cpu-v.html
官方網站:LeoMoon Studios
關鍵字:LeoMoon CPU-V, cpuv, CPUVPortable
LeoMoon CPU-V is the only application on the Internet that will help you to detect if your CPU supports Hardware Virtualization that supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. It also detects if Hardware Virtualization is enabled in BIOS and also if Intel Trusted Execution is enabled.
- Detect if CPU supports Hardware Virtualization
- Detect if Harware Virtualization is Enabled in BIOS
- Detect if Intel Trusted Execution is Enabled in BIOS
- Supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows