SWF解壓縮轉EXE或FLA工具 - JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler,不僅可以解出SWF動畫中的內容物,還能夠編輯ActionScript,取代圖片、聲音、文字、字型,SWF轉EXE、SWF轉FLA、SWF匯出為XML,同時支援ActionScript 1/2 及 AS3,內建除錯功能。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/jpexs-free-flash-decompiler.html
系統需求:Windows、Java Runtime Environment (JRE)、macOS、Linux
關鍵字:ffdec, FFDecNoinstall
Opensource flash SWF decompiler and editor. Extract resources, convert SWF to FLA, edit ActionScript, replace images, sounds, texts or fonts. Various output formats available. Works with Java on Windows, Linux or MacOS.
- Exporting scripts, images, shapes, movies, sounds, fonts...
- SWF to FLA conversion
- SWF to XML export and import again
- Various output formats like SVG or HTML5 Canvas
- Displaying ActionScript source code.
- Experimental direct editing of ActionScript source
- Editing via assembler source
- Integrated AS3 debugger - step, breakpoints, etc.
- Both ActionScript 1/2 and AS3 support
- Clicking decompiled source highlights P-code associated instruction and vice-versa
- Replacing images, editing texts, fonts and other tags
- Displaying SWF resources (shapes, sprites, fonts, buttons...)
- Hexadecimal dump view with color hilighting also available
- Built-in proxy server for editing SWF files which come through it
- Java based code which supports multiple platforms
- Multilanguage support
- Can decompile some kinds of obfuscated code too.
- Open SWF files hidden in loaders (AS3,Windows)
- Quality software receiving many awards
[2015.11.20] 功能比「HugFlash」強大!還是完全免費的自由軟體。
※注意:電腦必須有安裝「Java Runtime Environment (JRE)」才可以執行此程式!