讓滑鼠滾輪可以滾動任何視窗的捲軸 - AlwaysMouseWheel,一般情況下,滑鼠滾輪只能滾動使用中視窗的捲軸,但若開啟此軟體,只要滑鼠游標指到的視窗就可以滾動捲軸,就算是位於背景的視窗也可以,另外,還可以選擇滾動時自動將視窗提昇至最上層顯示。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/alwaysmousewheel.html
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
"Always Mouse Wheel" is a small portable Windows program (Multilingual) this gives you the possibility when using the mouse wheel over any window (under the mouse pointer) to scrool via mouse wheel even if the window is not in the foreground e.g focussed.
- Brings the wheel window to the foreground.
- Send scroll commands to windows in the background
- [Alt + left mouse button] to move the windows by dragging
- [Alt + right mouse button] to change the windows size
- Volume control when the mouse wheel on the taskbar