純文字檔加解密軟體 - gpg4usb,運用知名的GPG軟體來執行加解密,GPG又稱GNU Privacy Guard、GnuPG,是1999年設計用來與郵件加解密軟體PGP相互應用的解決方案,運作原理同樣是使用RSA公私鑰加解密協定,而此軟體能夠產生內含公私鑰的金鑰、匯入匯出金鑰(支援副檔名ASC或TXT)、從金鑰伺服器下載匯入金鑰,再利用金鑰來做純文字檔的加解密,讓加密後的文字檔,只有當初被加入加密公鑰的人才可以讀取,如此便能確保機密文件不外洩或被破解。(阿榮)(下載)
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)
gpg4usb is a very easy to use and small portable editor to encrypt and decrypt any text-message or -file you want.
Our aim is, to give anyone the possibility to send and receive secure encrypted messages anywhere - on any computer out there, no matter if Microsoft Windows(TM) or Linux is running on it. Therefore it's usage is self-describing, and the user-interface as simple as possible.
gpg4usb is free software, and it is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
※私鑰匯出方法: 「管理金鑰」→右鍵按一下要匯出的金鑰→「顯示金鑰詳細資訊」→「匯出私鑰」。(2016.01.14)
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