檔案抹除工具 - OW Shredder,利用不同的檔案刪除演算法來讓檔案永遠消失,就算是使用還原軟體也無法還原,還內建其他小工具,包含:磁碟分析、叢集分析、硬碟資訊、系統還原點管理、自動啟動項目管理、MFT追蹤抹除、檔案解鎖定...等工具。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Hendrik Schiffer
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)、.NET Framework 2.0
關鍵字:OWShredderPortable, owshredder
OW Shredder is an advanced security tool which allows you to completely erase secret data with all drive traces from your hard drives by overwriting it. Individual files, free disk space and entire volumes can by erased. In addition OW Shredder offers various tools to scan, analyze and wipe more drive information and traces. Beside of it OW Shredder supports a desktop widget, a context menu integration and automated recycle bin cleaning. All in all this small and portable application gives private users or even companies the perfect solution to eliminate sensitive data.
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