桌面筆記小軟體 - QText,可以常駐於桌面右下角的筆記工具,支援多頁籤及多資料夾,好處是每個頁籤的筆記都會儲存成獨立的純文字檔(*.txt),若有設定多個資料夾,也會依照資料夾的名稱產生實體資料夾,並且有貼心的自動儲存功能(預設每2.5秒自動儲存)、文字搜尋功能、程式置頂功能。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/qtext.html
官方網站:Josip Medved
系統需求:Windows、.NET framework 4
This program started with itch of mine. I often have need to take notes while talking on telephone, surfing or doing almost anything. That notes are usually just temporary since I want to do something with it – like adding telephone number to my phonebook. What I needed was scrap paper. It is similar to notepad which can be brought from tray when needed but has also auto-save thing going on. Just ideal for taking notes.
[2016.01.12] 4.40版首次使用時(以及更換電腦使用時)無法記住檔案儲存的位置,需再手動設定檔案儲存位置(Change location),才能開啟上次的筆記。