Opera創辦人所出品的類Chrome瀏覽器 - Vivaldi (韋瓦第瀏覽器),由Opera創辦人兼前執行長譚詠文的新公司(Vivaldi Technologies)所主導開發的新型瀏覽器,以可自訂的個性瀏覽器為主要訴求,主要特色有:頁籤列可以自由設定在上下左右的位置,快捷指令功能(F2)不僅提供多樣化的快速鍵,還能夠自行修改為專屬的組合鍵,頁籤群組功能讓頁籤井然有序,只要將某個頁籤拖放到另一個頁籤上方就可以建立頁籤群組,內建筆記功能,瀏覽器的色彩會因不同的網站自動變色(例如:阿榮福利味為藍色、Google為橘色)...等等,完全是個與眾不同的新型瀏覽器。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/vivaldi.html
官方網站:Vivaldi Technologies
關鍵字:VivaldiPortable, Vivaldi Portable, vivaldi browser, vivaldibrowser
Vivaldi - Customize Everything, Make the web yours. We are all absolutely unique and we want different things. Vivaldi web browser lets you do things your way by adapting to you and not the other way around. You prefer the browser tabs placed at the bottom or on the side of the window? – You prefer a different address bar location? Go ahead and customize your preferences be it your keyboard shortcuts, mouse gestures, appearance and so on.