
[正版購買] WinToUSB 9.5 中文版 - 作業系統可攜化或安裝光碟轉成隨身碟

作業系統可攜化或安裝光碟轉成隨身碟 - WinToUSB,能夠將Windows作業系統複製到隨身碟,變成可隨身攜帶的免安裝作業系統,類似Linux Live CD、Linux Live USB、WinPE的概念;還可以將作業系統的安裝光碟、映像檔、虛擬硬碟(ISO/WIM/ESD/SWM/VHD),製作成可開機可以用於重灌電腦的USB隨身碟或隨身作業系統。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/wintousb.html


官方網站:Hasleo Software
系統需求:Windows 11-7(32及64位元)
關鍵字:WinToUSB Free, WinToUSB Professional, WinToUSB Enterprise, Hasleo WinToUSB

WinToUSB - Best Windows To Go Creator to create portable Windows! WinToUSB (also called Windows To USB) is the best free Windows To Go Creator that allows you to install and run Windows operating system on an external hard drive or USB flash drive, using an ISO/WIM/ESD/SWM/VHD/VHDX image file or CD/DVD drive as the source of installation. Starting from version 2.0, you can clone current Windows OS installation (Windows 7 or later) to a USB drive as a Windows To Go Workspace. WinToUSB also supports creating a bootable Windows PE USB drive, it can help you transfer the contents of Windows PE to a USB drive and make the USB drive bootable.

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