還原被勒索軟體加密的檔案 - ShadowExplorer,另類又實用的系統還原軟體,可以直接匯出系統還原檔中的檔案,但前提是系統還原功能必須是開啟的,它就像是檔案總管,開啟後直接瀏覽磁碟區陰影複製服務(Volume Shadow Copy Service)所備份的檔案,依照磁區列出還原點(時間),點選要還原的檔案或資料夾之後,按右鍵選擇匯出(Export...),就完成還原了!就完成還原了!就完成還原了!(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/shadowexplorer.html
系統需求:Windows、.NET Framework 3.5
關鍵字:ShadowExplorerPortable, Shadow Explorer Portable, 陰影複製瀏覽器
ShadowExplorer allows you to browse the Shadow Copies created by the Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 Volume Shadow Copy Service. It's especially thought for users of the home editions, who don't have access to the shadow copies by default, but it's also useful for users of the other editions.