硬碟空間分析軟體 - WizTree,號稱是全球最快速的分析軟體,能夠掃描出硬碟中哪些資料夾或檔案最佔空間,提供資料夾檢視模式(Tree View)跟檔案檢視模式(File View),特別的是還能夠使用關鍵字來搜尋檔案,了解其佔用的大小。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/wiztree.html
官方網站:Antibody Software Limited.
關鍵字:wiz tree, WizTreePortable
WizTree is the world's fastest disk space analyzer. It scans your hard drive and shows you which files and folders are using the most disk space. It does this in the FASTEST way possible - you simply won't find any other application of this type that's quicker! Use the information WizTree provides to quickly locate and remove "space hogs" from your hard drive.