
[正版購買] AOMEI Backupper 7.4.2 中文版 - 支援異機還原的電腦硬碟備份軟體

AOMEI Backupper
AOMEI Backupper
支援異機還原的電腦硬碟備份軟體 - AOMEI Backupper(輕鬆備份),功能類似Acronis True Image,付費版支援異機還原(Universal Restore)功能,支援MBR/GPT硬碟、動態硬碟、硬體RAID、UEFI開機模式、4K監控,新版軟體支援舊的備份檔還原,安裝或備份時無須重新開機,可以產出ISO光碟映像檔開機片,可以執行系統備份、磁碟備份、分割區備份、檔案備份、檔案同步,排程自動備份、完整備份、增量備份、差異備份...。(阿榮福利味

下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/aomei-backupper.html


系統需求:Windows 11-XP,Server 2003-2019(Server、Technician Plus版)
關鍵字:AOMEI Backupper Pro, AOMEI Backupper Standard, AB Standard, AOMEI Backupper Professional, AOMEI Backupper Workstation, AOMEI Backupper Server, AOMEI Backupper Technician, AOMEI Backupper Technician Plus

AOMEI Backupper is a backup software designed for both Windows PC and Server users to backup and restore system and files. It makes file backup, system backup, partition backup and disk backup easier with its user-friendly interface and high technologies. Once system crashes or data losses, one can easily and quickly restore system image with AOMEI Backupper, even restore the system image to dissimilar hardware. The File Sync in AOMEI Backupper is very helpful when you need to keep files in different locations synchronized. System Clone, Disk Clone and Partition Clone are available, which makes OS migration and data transferring simpler.
