在Windows 7-10一次顯示多個網路連線小圖示 - Network Activity Indicator,可以設定「指定所選擇的網路卡」後,選取最多3個網路卡並勾選「顯示圖示」,就會在桌面右下角顯示多個網路連線小圖示,並且會顯示及統計網路封包流量。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:Igor Tolmachev
系統需求:Windows 7/8.x/10(32及64位元)
關鍵字:Network Activity Indicator for Windows 7
Network Activity Indicator displays the old 'two monitors' icon in Windows 7 that flashed blue to show network activity on the System Tray. Network Activity Indicator indicates outgoing and incoming network packets on all available interfaces.
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