最佳郵件備份解決方案 - MailStore Server,幾乎支援所有電子郵件主機的郵件備份,包含:Gmail、Windows Live Mail、Yahoo! Mail、Outlook、Thunderbird、Exchange Server、Google Apps、MDaemon、IceWarp、Kerio Connect、任何POP3及IMAP主機、PST及EML郵件檔,輕鬆完成郵件離線備份,並可以隨時還原!(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/mailstore-server.html
官方網站:MailStore Software GmbH
MailStore Server is one of the world’s leading solutions for email archiving. Easy to install and 100-percent reliable in every situation. Businesses can benefit from all advantages of modern, secure email archiving with MailStore Server. The software creates 1:1 copies of all emails in a central email archive to ensure the security and availability of large amounts of data over a period of years. Users can still access their email using Microsoft Outlook, MailStore Web Access, or mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones, and search through them at breathtaking speed.
Supported Email Systems:
- Exchange Server 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016
- Microsoft Office 365
- Google Apps
- All IMAP or POP3-compatible email servers
- MDaemon, IceWarp and Kerio Connect
- PST, EML and other email files
- Email clients such as Microsoft Outlook