虛擬鋼琴 - FreePiano,用電腦鍵盤就能夠演奏音樂,使用VSTi音源,不需要安裝虛擬MIDI設備,支援多種音樂格式輸出,包含DirectSound、WASAPI、ASIO,可以自訂任何鍵盤按鍵的功能及顯示,演奏中可以隨時切換多組鍵盤設定,可以直接把歌曲匯出為MP4音樂檔。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/freepiano.html
關鍵字:freepiano, free piano, wispow freepiano
FreePiano is a opensource software that can let you play music with your computer keyboard.
- Completely free, you do not need to purchase to use all the features.
- Using VSTi, you don't need to install a virtual MIDI device.
- Support a variety of audio output, including DirectSound, WASAPI and ASIO.
- You can define any key on the keyboard and display functions.
- Multi sets of keyboard layout can be switched anytime during play.
- Export your song to mp4 directly.