Flickr及IG照片下載器 - Albums Spider,貼上要下載的Instagram相簿網址,登入你的使用者帳號,使用內建瀏覽器瀏覽圖片,按「完成」之後,就可以下載所有已瀏覽過的照片;還支援Flickr、500px、1x、pinterest、tumblr...等網站的相簿照片下載。(阿榮)(下載)
官方網站:KingFriends Software 金夥伴志銘科技有限公司
系統需求:Windows 10/8.x/7(32及64位元)
關鍵字:albums spider, kingfriends albums spider, albumsspider
Albums Spider is a tool to help you download pictures from various websites.
With Albums Spider you can download a single or multiple images from various websites, all with a few simple actions. Free version can be unlimited to download 15 sites, upgrade to the premium version, support 500px, 1x, ArtStation, photo35, DA, Flickr website to download. (Please comply with the laws and regulations of the websites, download pictures not for commercial purposes)
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