免費網站過濾軟體 - NxFilter,免費網管工具,可以稱為是DNS過濾伺服器軟體,安裝完畢後將使用者端電腦的DNS伺服器設定,更改為已安裝此軟體的電腦IP位址,就可以達到網站過濾的效果;以網頁瀏覽器為管理界面(http://localhost/admin),具有圖形報表功能,軟體內建黑名單(部份需付費),也可以自訂黑名單、白名單,以星號萬用字元設定黑名單網址(如:*.pixnet.net)。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/nxfilter.html
關鍵字:nxfilter, nxfilter dns filtering server, nxfilter dns proxy server
NxFilter - DNS filtering server. Many webfilter products are based on Squid proxy or some other HTTP proxy. This approach may cause a serious latency problem in your network. Your web traffic needs to go through one point in your network that is your webfilter and it becomes a bottle neck in your network. But there is another approach. That is DNS filtering and NxFilter is a DNS filter. It is basically a DNS server with filtering ability. Since it uses light weight DNS protocol there is no need to have your traffic going through anywhere. You get no latency problem with NxFilter.