影片DVD及藍光光碟播放軟體 - Zoom Player,比「KMPlayer」及「PotPlayer」都還早問世的影音播放軟體,獨特的智慧型播放技術讓影片播放更穩定順暢,支援大多數的影音格式播放,以及高畫質影片、DVD及藍光光碟播放,付費版還有相當多的進階功能。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/zoom-player.html
關鍵字:ZoomPlayer免費版, Zoom Player FREE, Zoom Player MAX,
Zoom Player, the most Flexible & Sophisticated Media Player for Windows PCs / Tablets. Based on our specially crafted 'Smart Play' technology, more media files and formats play with less hassle, improved stability and greater performance. Zoom Player's customizable and polished full-screen navigation system makes browsing your content as easily accessible when using a Mouse, a Keyboard, a Remote Control or using a Touch input device such as a Tablet or Phone. Our powerful media library JukeBox features take your Movie & TV collections to a new level by enriching them with posters, backdrops and meta-data information (overview, cast, genre and more).