StopUpdates10 4.6.2024.0403 免安裝中文版 - 關閉Windows11/10/8/7自動更新
關閉Windows11/10/8/7自動更新 - StopUpdates10,Windows的更新常常使工作中斷,或者無預警的強迫重新開機,然而,要關閉Windows的自動更新卻沒那麼容易!它會利用WAAS Medic service及某些排程任務重新啟動更新服務,此工具能夠徹底解決這個問題,一鍵關閉Windows自動更新(Stop Windows Updates!),同樣的,再按一次便一鍵恢復Windows自動更新(Restore Windows Updates)。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/stopupdates10.html
官方網站:Greatis Software
系統需求:Windows 11-7
關鍵字:stopupdates, Stop Updates 10, StopUpdates10Portable
Why StopUpdates10 if I can easily stop Windows update service?
This way does not work on Windows 10.
Windows 10 uses a WAAS Medic service and some scheduled tasks to recover the Windows update service.
This why I created a small utility StopUpdates10 that gets back control over updates to me.
StopUpdates10 blocks executable files, related to Windows upgrade from starting. It is enough to stop Windows updating process.