AS SSD Benchmark 2.0.7316.34247 免安裝中文版 - 固態硬碟效能測試工具 4K對齊檢查
固態硬碟效能測試工具、4K對齊檢查 - AS SSD Benchmark,包含6項綜合測試及3項檔案複製測試,測試時不使用作業系統快取,預設是以1GB的檔案大小來測試讀寫數據(可調整),4K測試是隨機選取4K區塊進行讀寫效能測試,4K-64Thrd測試是與4K測試相應,只是讀寫操作分佈於64線程,而Acc.time是測試檔案的存取時間,可以透過測試總分(Score)來進行硬碟效能比較。在使用此4K對齊檢測軟體後,若發現檢測結果有出現紅色數據及「BAD」字樣就代表4K不對齊,會嚴重影響固態硬碟效能!可以使用「Renee Becca」、「AOMEI Partition Assistant」、「EASEUS Partition Master」等軟體進行4K對齊。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/as-ssd-benchmark.html
官方網站:Alex Schepeljanski
關鍵字:as ssd, as ssd benchmark
The AS SSD Benchmark determines the performance of solid state drives (SSD). The tool contains six synthetic and three copy tests.
The synthetic tests determine the sequential and random read and write performance of the SSD. These tests are conducted without using the operating system caches. In Seq test the program measures how long it takes to read a 1 GB file respectively to write. In the 4K test the read and write performance at randomly selected 4K blocks is determined. The 4K-64 THRD test corresponds to the 4K procedure except that here the read and write operations are spread over 64 threads. This test should represent at SSDs with Native Command Queuing (NCQ) differences between the IDE operation mode where NCQ is not supported, and the AHCI mode. The additional compression test can measure the performance of the SSD as a function of compressibility of the data. This is especially for the controllers that use to increase the performance and life of the cells compression, important.
In the first three synthetic tests and the compression test, the size of the test file is 1 GB. Finally, the access time of the SSD is still under investigation, the access in reading over the entire capacity of the SSD (Full Stroke) is determined. The write access test, however, is carried out with a 1 GB large file test.
At the end of the test three values for the read and write as well as the overall performance is output. The results of the compression tests are output as graphics. The X axis thereby indicates the compressibility of the data. 0% - not compressible, to 100% - fully compressible. The Y-axis represents the achieved data rate. In addition, the calculated values indicate in MByte / s can represent in IO per Seconds (IOPS).
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