快速搜尋Windows檔案 - SwiftSearch,大多數的搜尋軟體採用建立索引的方式來讓使用者搜尋檔案,而此軟體突破傳統不採用索引方式,直接使用管理者權限來存取檔案表,可以很快速的在10秒內完成檔案搜尋,也可以使用萬用字元、搜尋指定資料夾,不過僅支援NTFS檔案格式。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/swiftsearch.html
關鍵字:SwiftSearchPortable, Swift Search
SwiftSearch is a lightweight program whose purpose is to help you quickly find the files you need on your Windows machine without ever requiring you to index your drives.
Most search utilities that achieve similar speeds do so by indexing drives while the computer is idle, but because idleness detection is so difficult to get right, in practice they end up slowing down the whole system just to speed up search. SwiftSearch works differently: given administrator privileges, it completely bypasses the file system (only NTFS supported) and reads the file table directly every time, which speeds up search by many orders of magnitude. Typically searches yield full results in ~10 seconds or less, a significant speedup for many users.
As a bonus, this program also supports path-based search (for example, you can search for "*Program*\Windows*"), regular expressions (just start the search name with '>' character), and full directory sizes. Its goal is to be simple, swift, and intuitive to use.