簡單易用的備份軟體 - Exiland Backup,可以一次設定多任務,進行完整、增量、差異、同步備份,將檔案備份到外部硬碟或FTP,可以將檔案備份為密碼加密的ZIP壓縮檔,自動分割大檔案、備份檔名可自動插入日期及時間、備份前後可設定呼叫外部程式、郵件通知功能...等等。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/exiland-backup.html
官方網站:Exiland Software
關鍵字:Exiland Backup Free, Exiland Backup Standard, Exiland Backup Professional
Exiland Backup is an extremely easy-to-use backup software that allows you to backup and restore your data. The backup software is an ideal solution for those who work constantly with documents. Regular backup operations can ensure you the safety of your files. Many users, who understand the importance of creating backups, appreciate our program. The program includes many features allowing you to back up your data faster and easier.