即時顯示系統檔案讀寫狀態 - FileActivityWatch,即時顯示Windows系統中的檔案讀取、寫入、刪除資訊,針對每個檔案顯示讀寫的位元組、讀取/寫入/刪除的操作次數、首次及最後讀寫的時間戳記、回應檔案操作的處理程序名稱及識別碼。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/fileactivitywatch.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
關鍵字:FileActivityWatchPortable, File Activity Watch
FileActivityWatch is a tool for Windows that displays information about every read/write/delete operation of files occurs on your system. For every file, FileActivityWatch displays the number of read/write bytes, number of read/write/delete operations, first and last read/write timestamp, and the name/ID of the process responsible for the file operation.