硬碟全碟加密工具 - Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere,BitLocker(位元鎖)是內建於Windows高階版本(Vista之後的專業版、旗艦版、企業版)的磁碟加密工具,而這個軟體可以幫低階的版本(Windows 11/10/8.x/7 Home、Windows 8 Core、Windows 7 Professional)開啟這個隱藏的加密功能,直接點選磁區代號後就可以直接開關加密功能(Turn on BitLocker),設定中可以選擇使用AES-CBC或XTS-AES加密演算法、可以設定加密密碼。支援一般硬碟、SSD固態硬碟、USB隨身碟、Thunderbolt硬碟、SD卡、CF卡等。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/hasleo-bitlocker-anywhere.html
官方網站:Hasleo Software
系統需求:Windows 11/10/8.x/7(32及64位元)(FAT 12/16/32, NTFS, exFAT)、Mac、Linux
關鍵字:Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere, BitLocker Anywhere Home, BitLocker Anywhere Professional, BitLocker Anywhere Technician
BitLocker is a full disk encryption feature released by Microsoft as a native application in some versions of Windows. Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Home, Windows 8 Core and Windows 7 Professional Editions. Hasleo BitLocker Anywhere is the world's first BitLocker solution for Windows 10/8.1/8/7 Home, Windows 8 Core and Windows 7 Professional Editions. With it you can enjoy almost all the features of BitLocker Drive Encryption in these editions of Windows.