輕巧的可攜式光碟燒錄軟體 - AnyBurn,功能與ImgBurn類似,不需要安裝!可以直接解壓縮放在USB,當做隨身的燒錄軟體,體積雖小但功能齊全,功能有:將映像檔燒錄為光碟、將檔案或資料夾燒錄為光碟、把MP3/FLAC/APE檔案燒錄為音樂光碟、抹除可覆寫式光碟、將光碟製作成映像檔、複製光碟、抓音軌(把音樂光碟轉成MP3/FLAC/APE檔案)、映像檔格式轉換(轉為ISO、BIN)、將檔案或資料夾製作成映像檔、檢視燒錄機或光碟資訊。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/anyburn.html
官方網站:Power Software Ltd.
關鍵字:anyburnportable, anyburn portable
AnyBurn Portable is a light weight but professional CD / DVD / Blu-ray burning software that everyone must have. It provides a free and complete solution for burning. It is completely free.
- Burn all CD / DVD / Blu-ray disc image files.
- Burn files and folders in your hard drive to CD, DVD, or Bluray disc
- Burn Audio CD which can be played in regular CD player from mp3, ape, flac, wma files...
- Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA files.
- Copy disc using sector by sector method.
- Create image files from hard disk files or CD / DVD / BD discs.
- Convert disc image files between various formats.
[2106.12.04] 3.4版起官方版內建繁體中文。