快速開啟程式的工具 - Biniware Run,執行後程式的小圖示會出現在桌面正上方,直接將檔案、程式、資料夾拖放到其小圖示上,就會自動產生捷徑,左鍵按小圖示可以顯示捷徑列,右鍵按小圖示可以出現設定選項,也可以手動設定開啟網站的網址捷徑、利用資料夾分門別類。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/biniware-run.html
關鍵字:BiniwareRunPortable, Biniware Run Portable
Biniware Run is a portable desktop tool which provides you fast access to your favorite website addresses, files and folders from one single place. Just drag and drop any website address, file or folder inside the colored circle from your desktop and you can easily access all you are interested in by using this handy software. You can define categories, move, sort, import, export or customize your shortcuts anytime. Instead of searching for bookmarks in different web browsers, files or folders through your computer, make your work and browsing easier with Biniware Run.