空檔案產生器 - NonCompressibleFiles,產生任意大小的檔案,其功用在於產生測試用途的指定大小檔案,並且指定為不可壓縮檔或最大可壓縮檔格式,快速產生各種不同大小的測試檔,可以運用於下列的測試用途:FTP檔案傳輸測試、檔案上傳下載測試、硬碟傳輸速率測試、壓縮軟體壓縮率測試...等等。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/noncompressiblefiles.html
官方網站:Nenad Hrg
關鍵字:NonCompressibleFilesPortable, Non Compressible Files
NonCompressibleFiles - Small program that allows you to create on the fly one or more non-compressible files, or maximum compressible files. The purpose of the program is that you can do various tests with these files, such as to test compression programs on their performance, or other programs, such as FTP programs to determine when the transmission of the data is compressed or not, or test the behavior of several files. Similarly, solid state drives, where data is compressed to increase performance.