在指定時間日期執行程式 - RunAsDate,可以快速設定在指定的日期及時間執行指定的程式,本軟體不會更改電腦系統時間,只會將你指定的排程寫入,可以指定多筆自動執行的設定,分別在不同的時間自動執行不同的程式。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/runasdate.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
RunAsDate is a small utility that allows you to run a program in the date and time that you specify. This utility doesn't change the current system date and time of your computer, but it only injects the date/time that you specify into the desired application. You can run multiple applications simultaneously, each application works with different date and time, while the real date/time of your system continues to run normally.