虛擬光碟機 - Virtual CloneDrive,能夠在電腦最高模擬15個CD、DVD、藍光光碟,掛載ISO、BIN、IMG、UDF、DVD、CCD等光碟映像檔,退出時自動卸載,無縫整合於檔案總管右鍵選單,完全免費。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/virtual-clonedrive.html
官方網站:Elaborate Bytes AG
Virtual CloneDrive works and behaves just like a physical CD, DVD, or Blu-ray drive, although it only exists virtually. Image files can be "inserted" into the virtual drive from your harddisk or from a network drive by just a double-click, and thus be used like a normal CD, DVD, or Blu-ray. Virtual CloneDrive supports up to 15 virtual drives at the same time - no matter if the image file contains audio, video or just simple data. Virtual CloneDrive is fully integrated in Windows Explorer context menus and on top of all it is free!