監控每個應用程式所使用的頻寬 - AppNetworkCounter,統計Windows系統中每個程式所使用的網路流量,顯示傳送及接收的位元組(TCP/UDP通訊協定),傳送及接收的速度、封包數、IPv4/IPv6位元組,最大傳送及接收速度、首次及最後活動時間...等資訊。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/appnetworkcounter.html
官方網站:Nir Sofer
AppNetworkCounter is a simple tool for Windows that counts and displays the number of TCP/UDP bytes and packets sent and received by every application on your system. For every application, the following information is displayed: the number of sent and received bytes, number of sent and received packets, number of sent/received IPv4 bytes, number of sent/received IPv6 bytes, and sent/receive speed. It also displays the version information of the application - Product Name, Product Version, File Description, and Company Name.