查詢IP所在國家 - ip2c (ip to country),輸入IP或網域名稱,就可以自動透過網路從世界5大Whois伺服器查詢所在國家,取得2個英文字母的TLD國家代號(例如:US)及全名,如果有登記資料,還可以進一步顯示管理該區段的單位資訊,還可以處理以逗號分隔的IP清單(*.csv)。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/ip2c.html
官方網站:LMG Software
關鍵字:iptocountry, ip2cPortable
ip2c (ip to country) is a program written to determine the country associated to a specific IP address. The program queries the five main whois servers responsible for each region of the world and try to automatically establish the most authoritative for the IP specified. Then it return the country's two-letter TLD (for example US), the extended country name (for example United States of America), its world region (for example North America) and a string containing a brief description of the organization managing the block of IP addresses containing the submitted IP (when available). The program can also process a list of IPs stored in a comma delimited file and generate a new file with the country fields added to it.