硬碟檔案救援軟體 - O&O DiskRecovery,出自於老牌硬碟重組軟體大廠,可以在硬碟、記憶卡、數位相機中尋找遺失的檔案,甚至是不小心格式化、誤刪、災難所失去的檔案都有救回的機會,它支援超過400種以上的檔案類型。(阿榮福利味)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/oo.html
官方網站:O&O Software GmbH
關鍵字:o and o diskrecovery, oo diskrecovery, OODiskRecovery, O&O Disk Recovery
O&O DiskRecovery functionality begins where other programs leave off. This software combs every sector of a hard disk, memory card, or digital camera to find lost files. Even when files systems are format-ted or destroyed, it is possible to reconstruct once deleted data. Over 400 file types and version can be recognized and restored, including Word docu-ments, Excel workbooks, Access databases, and virtually every sort of commonly used graphics, photo, movie, and music formats (SVG, MP4, BLEND, AUP, JPEG, AVI, MPEG, MP3, WAV, BMP, TIFF, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Framemaker, Adobe Illustrator, and many more)