指定Windows視窗大小 - SmartSystemMenu(簡稱:SSM),簡單實用的Windows功能增強外掛,右鍵按視窗上方可以出現其右鍵選單,除了有像「Sizer」的指定Windows視窗大小功能之外,還可以顯示視窗進階資訊、讓視窗最上層顯示、直接對視窗抓圖、指定對齊位置、設定透明度、指定優先順序、最小化到工作列...等功能。(阿榮)
下載連結→ https://www.azofreeware.com/p/smartsystemmenu.html
官方網站:Alexander Illarionov
關鍵字:Smart System Menu, SmartSystemMenuPortable
SmartSystemMenu extends system menu of all windows in the system. It appends next custom items to menu:
- Information. Shows a dialog with information of the current window and process: the window handle, the window caption, the window style, the window class, the process name, the process id, the path to the process.
- Always On Top. Allows the current window to stay on top of all other windows.
- Save Window Screenshot. Allows to save the current window screenshot on a disk.
- Copy Text To Clipboard. Allows to copy all window texts (including console, ms office products, etc.) to clipboard.
- Resize. Allows to change the size of the current window.
- Alignment. Allows the current window to be aligned with any of the 9 positions on the desktop.
- Transparency. Allows to change the transparency of the current window.
- Priority. Allows to change the current window's program priority.
- System Tray. Allows to minimize the current window to the system tray.